Our third issue features an election themed story, a visit to an innovative community college experience, and two follow-up stories from our previous issue. We have a sneak peek look at “Muslim Sheroes of Minnesota,” a teaser trailer from a new documentary by Ariel Tilson that follows three Muslim women making their mark on the electoral process in Minnesota. We also have a story about a new community college initiative in Northfield that allows students to get an education without disrupting their home and work life.

Finally, we have two follow-up stories from our second issue. We check back in with caregiver Brianna to learn how things have progressed with her grandmother. And we have the second episode in our podcast series “The Persistence of Joy.”

Tom Schmidt Tom Schmidt

Persistence of Joy: Part 2

Chapter 2 in this podcast about a family learning how a death from polio continues to impact their family over 60 years later.

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